Trustees & friends

I have never been much of a singer, in fact my kids regularly ask me to stop one or two bars into whichever 80s rock ballad I attempt around the house.

I am so pleased to be a small part of The Choir with No Name. It is so clearly such a force for good in the community...

Having sung in choirs for many years I've experienced first hand the sense of friendship, support, enjoyment and achievement that being part of a group, singing together, can bring to members.

CWNN has always been a source of inspiration and joy for me, first as an audience member, then as a volunteer, and then finally as a director of one of the choirs.

I grew up in Liverpool, and first heard of The Choir with No Name after seeing the Liverpool choir perform at Light Night in the city several years ago.

Sir David Bell

We are very proud to count among the charity's friends Sir David and Lady (Primrose) Bell.