Alongside other arts and homelessness organisations, Cafe Art, Cardboard Citizens, Streetwise Opera and Homeless Link, The Choir with No Name are thrilled to announce the launch of a new Arts & Homelessness Forum - a new network for those interested in arts and homelessness.
The Forum is open to arts/homelessness projects, homeless centres running arts programmes, artists who have experienced homelessness and others in the field.
The aim of the forum is to share ideas, news, funding opportunities and best practice within the fields of arts and homelessness, with a particular emphasis on homeless people themselves - artists who have experienced homelessness will be encouraged to attend and every project/org attending will be encouraged to bring a member where possible. We want to build a homelessness and arts community to 'keep us talking'!
The inaugural meeting is taking place on September 20th 2016, 1pm - 5pm at the offices of Esmee Fairbairn, Kings Place, York Way, London N1 9AG.
Download the Registration Form and full details of the forum HERE and return to by Sept 1st 2016