The Choir with No Name Birmingham is well-chuffed and extremely excited to be performing on 11th May, 6pm, at Birmingham’s prestigious Town Hall as part of ‘Sing For All: Community Spirit’.
Community Spirit is a project run by Town Hall and Symphony Hall in partnership with Black Voices. It has brought us together with lots of other exciting and diverse singing groups across Birmingham and beyond. Not only have we been able to share some of our regular songs with the other choirs taking part, rehearsals have also involved our lovely members learning to sing material quite different from our normal repertoire! Yes, rounds, madrigals, shanties and even traditional Native American and Zulu material can now be comfortably added to our set-list as desired!! All in all, it’s been quite a challenge but one that we’ve all enjoyed and certainly risen to!
Other amazing choirs that we’ve worked alongside through the project include:
Black Voices, Bournville Young Singers, Brandhall Community Choir, Generations, Lichfield Gospel Choir, Lutley Community Choir, One Voice Community Choir, Quinton Community Choir, Stream of Sound, Town Hall Gospel Choir.
It really has been a fab experience and the upcoming concert promises to be a brilliant blast showcasing a range of music across gospel, folk, pop and classical styles. Do come and support us if you can!
Tickets are £5 and can be purchase from the box office on 0121 345 603 or via
Hope to see you there!